Have you ever heard of the Jericho Walk???

After the death of Moses in the Bible, God appointed Joshua as the leader of the Israelites. Under God’s guidance, Joshua and his army were preparing to conquer the land of Cannon, which was rightfully theirs.

One of the first strongholds that they were to tackle, was the walled city of Jericho.

Joshua was up against a mighty army of the enemy, in which he was sorely outnumbered.

The Lord instructed him to lead his people and soldiers in a march around the enemies city walls once a day for 6 days, while some of the priests carried the Ark of the Covenant, others were to blow the trumpet, the shofar, while marching, and the reminder of the people were to keep silent.

On the 7th day, they were all to march around the city walls 7 times, shouting unto the Lord on the seventh lap, when Joshua gave the word. As God had promised, the walls came tumbling down and the Israelites rushed into the city, conquering it, sparing Rahab and her family, who had protected some of the Israelites by hiding them in her home.   

To those watching, I’m sure they thought Joshua and the rest of the Israelites looked crazy, and their actions very strange, but despite what others thought, Joshua and the people of Israel were willing to look foolish, because they knew they were following God’s command, and by doing this, His will would be done and glory given to Him in the end.

In the same way, we are called to bear witness of Jesus in our lives, even if that means looking foolish, being mocked, and even persecuted. 

By doing so, we are not only giving Him praise and glory, showing our complete trust in Him and His promises, we are also providing others the opportunity to encounter and experience the same love of God that we have been blessed to know. 

Sometimes, without meaning to, we often build walls around ourselves that prevent us from having a close relationship with God.

These walls may be our pride, selfishness, hurt and unforgiveness… caused by trauma or other things in our lives.

We let the lies of the enemy creep in and cause feelings of fear, anger, unworthiness and defeat…

We MUST choose to allow the Spirit of God into our hearts and minds and CRUSH those deceptions!!

Our thoughts, words and actions are SOOO POWERFUL when we let the Holy Spirit lead us!!!




People all over the U.S. and the world will be marching around government buildings, schools, CPS buildings, abortion clinics, their own homes….wherever they feel the Lord lead them that the corruption and evil needs to be defeated….and the Jericho Walls need to FALL!! 

Prayer Walk


You can do this with a group, a few friends, family members…

or on your own!!!   



God and His angel armies will be marching with you…as well as MANY others, all over the world!!!


If God is for you who can be against you


You DON’T even have to march directly around the building!!

You can march around the perimeter of the land, the block that it is on, whatever you see fit….maybe you can march around several corrupt buildings all at once!!!

Let Us Join Together!!!







Jericho Walk - Praying

          There is no thing and no one that can stand in the way of our King and General.

The enemy is already defeated.

You should not fear, my friend.

You should not doubt.

You should not give up and flee into your corner of “protection”.

Jesus is your true protection.

Jesus is your security.

Jesus is your Captain.

Jesus has the best plan for your life.

The Father says to you, “Why are you doubting? Have I ever failed you? Has My Word ever failed you? I am true to My word and I am always true to you.”

We need to renew our mind daily…


We need to stop being victims.

When we see ourselves as victims, we step into the enemy’s territory.

The line has been drawn!!!

Step into God’ side, the side of God’s promises.

See your promises fulfilled.

See yourself healthy.

See yourself prosperous.

See yourself joyful.

The Walls of Jericho SHALL Fall Down

The Commander came to Joshua to encourage him.

The Lord is encouraging us.

Even though a seemingly giant ‘Jericho’ with thick walls is:

  • Threatening you
  • Threatening your health
  • Threatening your family
  • Threatening you home
  • Threatening your relationship
  • Threatening your job
  • Threatening your finances
  • Threatening your ministry


The Lord is with you as your Captain, as your General, as the King of Kings.

When you stand on God’s side, the ONE who is always for you, the walls of Jericho will start trembling, start shaking, start cracking…until that final moment of complete crumbling and tumbling down!!


PLEASE share your pictures of your Jericho Walk with me HERE

or in a private message…

I’d LOVE to see them!!!


Lori Jorgensen Signature

If you are interested in learning more about obtaining a Kingdom Mindset…

Check out my Kingdom Mindset Reset Masterclass or my Coaching Services

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