The battle in your mind is not against another person, it is not even against yourself.
The enemy that you battle is Satan and his army, who have been assigned to you and have been studying you and your family for generations and generations.
Make no mistake, they know everything about you and they know your weaknesses.
Although they can not read your mind, they can “anticipate” your thoughts and actions and know exactly how to torment your mind to induce feelings of defeat in your mind and spirit.
To make you think you are immune, to think you were just born this way, or to think you have just been dealt an unlucky deck of cards.
This type of thinking will never equip you to win the battlefield in your mind and give you true freedom and victory.
“For our struggle is not against flesh and blood [contending only with physical opponents], but against the rulers, against the powers, against the world forces of this [present] darkness, against spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly supernatural place.” – Ephesians 6:12
Just as a soldier studies his enemy, you must also know yours.
Many remain oblivious as to what is happening to their mind or why they think and feel how they do…
This may be true for you, too…..
Maybe you are needing this reminder to help you take a step of faith forward.
To understand the why, you must understand the history.
Once you are equipped with the knowledge of the history and the knowledge of the solution it will empower you with the greatest determination and courage to fight and overcome.
Everything working against your mind is skillfully and strategically orchestrated by the enemy.
To carry out his dirty work, he uses other people and even you, yourself, to create adverse situations, which result in you thinking or feeling a certain way, to dampen your spirit and make you lose hope.
He whispers lies into the depths of your mind and will even remind you of things from the past, resulting in untruthful thoughts and feelings.
This is called deception.
One thing you must never forget is that the enemy is an expert in deception and has had a very long time to master his methods.
In turn, you too, have to master your methods of war and authority.
Remember WHOSE YOU ARE!!!
You are a CHILD OF THE KING!! 
You were created in HIS IMAGE!!!
“No weapon formed against you will Prosper And every tongue which rises against you in judgment You shall condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of the LORD, And their righteousness is from Me,” Says the LORD.”
-Isaiah 54:17
So, the question is, are you going to chose to stay in agreement with the enemy?
The longer you remain in his bondage, the longer you are allowing him to have victory over you…
and the longer you allow him to have victory over you, the more he becomes your master…having authority over you when it should be the other way around.
I know that you know deep down that you shouldn’t give up….
That you shouldn’t accept that this is just how it is and just who you are…
Something inside of you is telling you to keep fighting and the way that you feel is not right, not natural, not true…
That is your spirit –
The Holy Spirit inside of you….
Fighting against the flesh on your behalf…
You know deep down that there is hope and there is a way out because you feel it in your gut.
You know you were made for more than what you are accepting.
This is because you are a child of the Most High King and made in His image and likeness – you just need to find your courage, strength, fight, and boldness to stand up and stand firm in your faith and authority.
Sister, if you haven’t yet guessed, you are in the midst of a spiritual war.
You have to fight with the sword of the spirit and the helmet of truth and salvation….
The FULL Armor of God!!!
If you need help doing that….
I can help!!!
Let’s book a Free Discovery Call and put a plan of action in place!!! ❤️ YOU WILL BE VICTORIOUS !!!

me resting on handLori Jorgensen is a Certified Kingdom Mindset Transformational Lifestyle Coach, Certified Radiant Leader, VIP Ambassador for Girl Power Alliance,  Podcast Host, and Entrepreneur.

She is on a mission to empower women with the Biblical TRUTH and Kingdom principles, laid out for us in the Living Word of God.

To show them who they are in God’s eyes and stop believing the lies the enemy has tried to convince them of, that has held them in bondage for so long….

She gives them tools and strategies to help them heal trauma and implement forgiveness, not only for their past wounds, but for themselves.

In turn, finding their purpose and how to step BOLDLY and COURAGEOUSLY into it, by using their story, and their unique gifts and talents…

To take action!!

It’s time to reclaim the life the enemy has stolen from you!!!

If you are in need of guidance and direction, mentorship, and transformation, you can find more information here to explore your many options and book a Free Discovery Call.

If you’re looking for Christ Centered Resources for Personal and Professional Development with and amazing Kingdom Minded Community.

Visit my blog  and my Podcast often for more inspirational and informational content.

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