Natural Health and Wellness

What is Natural Health and Wellness?

Many make the mistake of thinking Allopathy (aka Western Medicine) is this amazing, super scientific method of healing that has been around forever...

When in reality, it has only been around for roughly, about 200 years!

While, Eastern and Western Herbalism is THOUSANDS of years old and has been tried, tested, and proven over and over again ~ even back to Biblical times!!!

It is a powerful, powerful tool....

After all, GOD created every single thing in herbalism ~ NOT a lab!!!


Allopathic VS Holistic

Why Choose Natural?

At the heart of this topic are two alternate treatment methods. 

There is the allopathic model (aka Western Medicine) and there is the holistic model.

Holism refers to taking the person as a whole. It recognizes that you are more than the sum of your collective physical parts. Every body organ and system is connected and dependent on the proper function of each other.
Symptoms are not seen as problems. Instead they demonstrate that your body is working and responding to stimuli. These symptoms can help to reveal imbalances that need to be addressed, so they are never suppressed or masked.

Holism is all about balance.

Our bodies naturally seek balance or wellness and they are capable of healing themselves if their needs are met.
Our job, then, is to select the most gentle, supportive remedies and supplements available.

Allopathy, however, has divided the body into systems and struggles to acknowledge any connection between them.
Symptoms are seen as the problem, and while many doctors may recommend immune supporting therapies, such as vitamin C, they are also likely to prescribe drugs that reduce fevers, suppress coughs, or dry up mucus, which effectively halts the immune system’s function, prolonging illness.

 Allopathy effectively works against the body.

Which sounds better to you?

To learn more, you may want to check out my blog post Allopathic Medicine or Holistic Health to get 

some additional information about the differences in

 these healing techniques.

You can also join my Facebook Group for information, tips, and recommendations.

Disclaimer: I am not a doctor or medical professional and am not giving medical advice. I am only sharing my personal experiences. Please consult a health professional before starting or stopping any remedies or medications.

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