Hi friend! Come on in, pull up a chair and let’s get to know each other.

My name is Lori. I am a Christ Follower, wife, mother, glamma,  entrepreneur, truth teller, encourager, and lifetime personal development student.

I live in the beautiful, freedom loving state of Texas with my husband and our two youngest boys, (16 yr old Tracey and 15 yr old Trevor) and our dogs, Dash and Canna, and our 8 chickens and 2 quail.

I’m a Certified Life Coach,  Natural Health and Wellness Advocate, Content Creator,  Homeschool Mama, and Entrepreneur,  who helps others find ways to make their life more productive, and fulfilling, giving them time to do ‘all the things’, find time for the things that matter, all while discovering ways to use their unique gifts and talents to generate income, creating the life they truly desire.

My ultimate passion is educating  and empowering women on how to start, OR maximize their potential to do what they were born to do…to find their passion and purpose.

So many women don’t realize the true power they truly have and lack confidence to pursue their dreams. Many have experienced abuse or have been taught that they  aren’t enough, aren’t good enough, aren’t smart enough, or will never amount to anything.  I’m here to tell you….


God made you to do AMAZING things. Women have always been a STRONG presence in getting things done!!!

Look at Ruth, Esther, Deborah, Mary and so many others in the Bible. Look at the powerful women throughout history!!! We are a force to be reckoned with!!!

If you notice in the Bible, man had to go to great length, climb mountains to meet with God, BUT God came TO women!!!

He knew they were busy doing ‘all the things’ at home; keeping it all together!!! He went to THEM….and had them do GREAT things!!!

Things no man could ever do!!!

 Unfortunately, many times we forget our worth; we forget who we TRULY are….


Let’s rewind it back to the early 2000’s… I had built a booming  business…actually several,  including a hair salon, gym/karate dojo, and real estate investment properties.  My clientele was booming, and I loved helping people in so many facets of life.   I helped clients gain confidence and empowerment through health, the ability to gain confidence:  physically, spiritually and mentally. I have always loved helping others, and to see them transform into who they are meant to be!! I literally loved ALL of my clients.  I’m blessed and have tremendous gratitude to be a part of their journey to peace and restoration.  This was also the first time that I experienced MY ceiling, with a burning desire to figure out duplication.  I needed a clone, and I mean ASAP!  I worked  over 12 hour days, 6 days per week and sometimes on Sunday. I had a waiting list weeks long.  Although I employed others in my businesses, my clients wanted me…my skill level, my expertise, the sense of relationship we had developed.

I grew up in a family that believed in the importance of helping each other and helping others…everyone was family.  My amazing mom instilled those values in me and I feel blessed beyond measure when people compare me with her. She was my biggest supporter and cheerleader, I miss her immensely, as she is no longer here with us.  I cherish the strength and sense of endurance she gave me, as well as her compassion and love for others. I carry her and what she taught me with me every day, and I hope she is still proud.

While I loved what I did and my wonderful children, but my marriage was a horrible mess!!! As much as I tried to bury myself in the positive things in my life, and as strong as I thought I was, I had been sucked in by an extreme narcissist. Honestly, I didn’t even fully comprehend what that was until much later. He had my head spinning and thinking I was crazy, unworthy and a failure….even with all of my success.

When I finally realized how toxic the relationship was (11 years later), I knew I HAD to get out, but also knew I had to do things very strategically. If you have ever dealt with a narcissist, you will understand that statement.

I did finally get my opening, and I took it!!! Sadly, even questioned my decision at one point…that’s how confused he had me!!! Thank God, He showed me the light, the way and the importance of my decision, and I broke the chains.

The time that followed were some of the happiest and most content in my life. I dug into my relationship with God and had a peace I had probably never experienced up to that point in my life. My kids were happy, I was happy, I was successful, had a beautiful home on an inland lake, my health and my sanity back!!! I literally felt peace. I knew I needed no one but God and my family and I was content with just that!!!


I did end up meeting, or I should say, reconnecting with….but that’s a whole other story, with my current husband. We married and had two more boys. My business was still thriving, my older kids were thrilled to have two new brothers, and life seemed close to perfect. We moved, and I got my real estate license, continuing on the path of helping others, while having more flexibility with my time to be able to be home with my children more.
Then things all took a turn. The economy crashed, my husband lost his job, the real estate market tanked, and there were basically, no jobs to be had in  our whole state, or the states immediately surrounding us….AND something was wrong with my youngest son. I couldn’t pinpoint what happened at the time, but he changed…drastically and quickly! I had been conditioned, like so many, not to look in the obvious places..there was no risk there, after all, right?!?!? WRONG!!! The more I kept researching his ‘symptoms’, the more two things kept coming up….autism and vaccine injury. Injury?!?!?  What did they mean?!?!? They are completely safe, right?!?!? That’s what they all tell us!! They wouldn’t lie to us!!! Right?!?!? WOW, was I in for a RUDE AWAKENING!!
Honestly, I never felt comfortable in my gut about them, but I really didn’t know we had a choice, and we were ‘told’ they were safe, so I passed off my feeling of uneasiness. NEVER AGAIN!!! After lots of research, finding doctors who would even entertaining the possibility,  and LOTS of testing, it was confirmed. My son was vaccine injured. The guilt I felt was almost unbearable. I had consented to harming him. It took me years to deal with that!!! He is 15 now, still non-verbal, incontinent and has many struggles, including a severely damaged digestive system that we work to repair constantly, seizures and other neurological issue. We have come SOOOO far from where he used to be as far as interaction and communication and he is amazingly intelligent…more that anyone would ever guess. He has taught me more than I could ever teach him. After his injury, we moved to Texas and this is where I pursued my quest to find healing for his tortured body. He screamed in pain, beat his head, and was not connecting with us any longer.  I could not work, as I was his sole caregiver and advocate. We went through MANY school services, therapies, doctors, and everything we could think of  and do to help him live a happy, productive life, free from the pain and agony he has experienced. I then learned, when he was 6, that he was experiencing abuse in the school system and at therapy…another LONG story…and I pulled him and began homeschooling and doing all of his therapies myself.  HE THRIVED like I couldn’t believe!!! He learned soo quickly!!! After 3 years of public schooling and therapies (through school and private) , where they could never even get him to point, he could now read and spell words some adults could barely even read or spell. He could answer questions that were super advanced. He could rationalize and figure….all the things they said he may never comprehend!! It was in there!!! I just had to unlock the door the way that worked for him!!! He amazes me still!!
Needless to say, with all of this on my plate, I could not work outside the home. I did run a co-op for a few years, but that was difficult, as much of the responsibility was on my shoulders, and we got so busy with other activities, that it became very difficult to continue. I had to find ways to make income from home. I was leary about many work from home jobs I had come across, but finally found a company with products I believed in….products that truly aligned with my beliefs in natural wellness and helped my family, so I dove into the network marketing world….but I still wanted more. I felt there was so much more I wanted to do to help others and looked for something more than products only..  While I couldn’t find that exact ‘right thing’ anywhere, I decided to use the skills I had learned on life’s journey and create my own way, teaching others all of the things I had learned, to fit their unique situation, skills and abilities. To show them we ARE capable of doing anything we want to do…that we can do ‘all the things’ and still live a happy, organized, successful, and fulfilling life.
That we ARE Worthy!!!
I knew that if I wanted to have a lasting, sustainable, happy and healthy life, this was the way I could do it and do what I loved.
I also knew that God presented me with this mountain because He knew I had the tenacity it would take to climb it.  I have,  and then did a victory dance on top of that mountain, and since then have shown others how to do the same.
So, that’s my passion…my purpose…to help others live their BEST LIFE!! To help them rediscover their PASSION, their JOY,  and TEACH them the skills needed to achieve their DREAMS!!

As a Certified Life Coach, I work personally with others, by partnering with them to find their own, unique path to their passion, guiding them along the way, to create the life they were destined to live.

I hope you’ll find value in my words and my knowledge, that will light a fire in you to find yours!!!!

Good news: We don’t have to kill ourselves or have a masters degree to succeed!!

I can’t wait to help you eliminate your limiting beliefs and show you how to freely live your best life doing what you LOVE!

Partnered together, I’m confident we will redefine YOUR PERSONAL BEST.  I’m excited to hear YOUR story!

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