Are  you looking for a community of kingdom minded women?

Group of Women
women hugging

women who truly support each other, uplift each other, and pray for you behind your back?

Praise - African American Woman

then i have just what you are looking for...

I'm so thankful for the Strong Women of God that I have met and aligned with along my journey...

Women who love and support each other...

Women you can depend on...

Women who follow through with what they say they are going to do...

Women who are committed to help each other GROW and succeed in all they do...

Women who don't fight, degrade or condemn each other...

Women who are not selfish, underhanded, or condescending...

Women who TRULY seek to feed and uplift each other through God's Word...

Through the Holy Spirit.

I start each day with God and reading His Word in my Women's Bible Study...


Then, I attend a weekly morning prayer call with my Christian Women's Mentorship Communities,

where we sow into each other, pray together and over each other....


After arming and equipping myself for the day, 

I dive into fulfilling MY purpose, by helping to equip others with tools and Biblical principles to:

>>CRUSH the lies of the enemy

>>SPEAK LIFE not death, over yourself and your life

>>OPEN YOUR EYES to the TRUTH of all that you are

>>To who GOD says you are

>>To find YOUR purpose

>>To take ACTION and step into that purpose

To be the Hannahs, the Deborahs, the Esthers....


As a coach, I need to be filled up, as well, so I can be the best that I can be for my clients.

This is where my GPA Community comes in even more!!!


This is SOOO IMPORTANT to be in alignment with my beliefs and TRULY partnering with God in ALL aspects of my life!!!

I searched for Biblically Aligned Resources and Training for SOO LONG!!! 

I even began creating my own and planned on expanding it into a community...

I had so many other things happening that I really didn't have the time I needed to devote to getting this community going...


He brought me these incredible women in this amazing community with all I desired ...


Every course is vetted to make sure it is Biblically aligned ...

The courses and mentorship are all  a collaboration from those of us in our community~~

You will get a variety of courses and guidance from a large perspective in our areas of expertise....

Our courses are rooted in Biblical Kingdom Principles, which include:

 Strengthening ...

Your Faith

Your Health & Fitness

Your Relationships

Your Home Life

Your Finances

Your Business

Your Confidence

Your Speaking Abilities

Your Leadership Skills

...and so much more


There is a business opportunity, giving you to expand your kingdom finances just by bringing other into the community

and helping them grow, too!!!



if this sounds like what you are looking for....

i hope to see you there!!!
let's link arms and expand the kingdom....together!!!

to join the fear into faith bible study, click here
(it's free) 

me resting on hand

Lori Jorgensen is an Kingdom Mindset Transformational Lifestyle Coach, Certified Radiant Leader, VIP Ambassador for Girl Power Alliance, Podcast Host, and Entrepreneur.   

She is on a mission to empower women with the Biblical TRUTH and Kingdom principles, laid out for us in the Living Word of God.

To show them who they are in God's eyes and stop believing the lies the enemy has tried to convince them of, that has held them in bondage for so long....

She gives them tools and strategies to help them heal trauma and implement forgiveness, not only for their past wounds, but for themselves. 

In turn, finding their purpose and how to step BOLDLY and COURAGEOUSLY into it, by using their story, and their unique gifts and talents...

To take action!!

It's time to reclaim the life the enemy has stolen from you!!!

If you are in need of guidance and direction, mentorship, and transformation, you can find more information here to explore your many options and book a Free Discovery Call.

Visit my blog and my Podcast for more inspirational and informational content.