When anyone in your home comes down with illness, you are faced with a choice…
to address it with natural/holistic or allopathic/conventional methods of treatment.

No one else can make this decision for you, and your answer will likely depend on the level of comfort you have already developed with natural remedies, which is why preparation is so important.

If you decide to approach illness conventionally, remember that any pharmaceutical products you use have risks and potential side-effects.

Research any new medications before use and watch for new symptoms that develop after you begin use.
Document and report them to your doctor. If the doctor won’t take your concern seriously, get a second opinion.

If you decide to approach illness holistically/naturally, remember that just because something is natural does not mean that it is appropriate for all people at all times.

Always begin with the most gentle treatment appropriate to the illness.

Don’t jump to the use of biocides for every sniffle.

Use supporting herbs and allow the immune system to do its work. Watch for signs of reaction to any new remedies used.

If you start by looking up symptoms on Google, be aware that most search engines are now filtering results so that the only sites promoted come from a very conventional, allopathic viewpoint.

Do not allow yourself to fall into the worse-case-scenario mental trap.

Know that this is how fear is used to control.

Remember that you cross far fewer bridges when you only cross the one you are at.

Don’t allow worry and fear to derail you from your choice to use a holistic approach to illness or infection.

So, why choose a more natural approach?

At the heart of this topic are two alternate treatment methods.

There is the allopathic model (aka western medicine) and there is the holistic model.

Holism refers to taking the person as a whole.

It recognizes that you are more than the sum of your collective physical parts.

Every body organ and system is connected and dependent on the proper function of each other.

Symptoms are not seen as problems…Instead they demonstrate that your body is working and responding to stimuli.

These symptoms can help to reveal imbalances that need to be addressed, so they are never suppressed or masked.

Holism is all about balance.

Our bodies naturally seek balance or wellness and they are capable of healing themselves if their needs are met.

Our job, then is to select the most gentle, supportive remedies and supplements available.

Allopathy, however, has divided the body into systems and struggles to acknowledge any connection between them.

Symptoms are seen as the problem, and while many doctors may recommend immune supporting therapies, such as vitamin C, they are also likely to prescribe drugs that reduce fevers, suppress coughs, or dry up mucus, which effectively halts the immune system’s function, prolonging illness.

Allopathy effectively works against the body.

You must decide which approach you will you choose.

I love natural remedies.

On the whole they are safer and even more effective than pharmaceuticals.

Unfortunately, the simple fact that something is natural does not automatically make it advisable in every situation or safe for every person.

What is really necessary is a consistent philosophical approach to health that helps us decide which natural remedies and therapies to use and when.

One that takes the whole person into account.

It is entirely possible to choose natural and still be allopathic in philosophy.

This is why the focus of the information I provide on this subject is on holistic health, not just natural remedies.

The goal is always to support the innate immune system, rather than jump the gun and begin attacking pathogens or suppressing symptoms.

I always recommend starting with the most gentle (yet effective) remedies first, and allow the body to do the rest.

God created our bodies and immune systems to do amazing things, if we allow it to.

So what do you use and when?

Choosing a natural remedy can feel overwhelming at first.

Everyone must make decisions based on your personal comfort level (which is why continued research is so important – education is what expands our comfort level).

I hope to provide an overview of how we use natural remedies in our home, and our experiences with it.

In the near future, I will dig even deeper into how each of them work.

Essential Oils

🌱Essential oils:

An essential oil is a highly concentrated (distilled) fluid comprising the aromatic essence of the plant.

They are not true oils, because they contain no fats.

EOs do not mix with water, but they do vaporize, and can be diffused and carried by air.

All vitamins, minerals, proteins, and enzymes are left behind during the distillation process, so there are no nutrients in essential oils, only the medicinal quality of the plant.

All EOs have an antibacterial action.

Many also have antiviral and antifungal properties as well.

I enjoy using EOs for cleaning, diffusing, and as highly-diluted external remedies for first aid applications (such as for cuts, burns, achey joints, or sore muscles).

We do not ingest them.




Homeopathy is fascinating.

It is a system of holistic medicine that works to support the body’s innate ability to heal itself.

There are thousands of remedies derived from natural sources, such as plants, animals, and minerals.

Each remedy is diluted (potentised) until there is no measurable substance remaining – only the energetic signature of the remedy carried by liquid (alcohol or distilled water)
It is then vigorously shaken (succussed) to activate.

This liquid is then sprayed on the outside of small sugar pellets, which can be placed directly under the tongue to dissolve.

Although homeopathy is safe for all ages and stages of life, using it is not necessary for every illness or injury.

It is most effective and beneficial when the body or mind has “lost its way” on the path to wellness.

I don’t use homeopathy for every sniffle, because most of the time illness is necessary and good, and actually strengthens the immune system.

As long as the illness is progressing and the body begins recovering, I take a hands off approach, and let the body heal naturally, as it is designed to do…by our Creator.

If however, a cough worsens or lingers or a high fever doesn’t break, I sometimes reach for homeopathy.

herbal extracts and tinctures

🌱Herbal Extracts:

There are many variations of liquid herbal extracts, including tinctures, teas, and elixirs, and this is actually my first ‘go to’….for prevention and for illness, itself.

All of them involve steeping herbs in a solvent to pull the medicinal components and nutrients from the plant.

Tinctures are generally the preferred form, because they are more concentrated and the solvents used (alcohol, glycerin, or vinegar) provide the perfect vehicle to carry the medicine/nutrients directly to the bloodstream.

Herbal extracts are not isolated constituents of plants (such as essential oils).

Instead they maintain the balanced, synergistic properties of each component of the plant, making them much safer for regular, internal use.

Because herbal extracts are a whole food source of nourishment, which the body knows how to utilize, we use herbal tinctures for daily supplementation, as well.

Tinctures are also my first choice for acute illness, because they are very fast acting, and work by supporting the natural healing processes of the body.

Always follow the safety recommendations listed on the bottle, especially for children and during pregnancy or breastfeeding.

Some of My Favorite Recommended Brands: Earthley (tinctures, including CBD, and prepared herbal remedies, home, and personal products), Starwest Botanicals (Bulk Herbs, Spices, Teas, and More), Mountain Rose Herbs (dried herbs).

Check back often for more great info and make sure to check out my Natural Health and Wellness Page.


Disclaimer: I am not a doctor or medical professional and am not giving medical advice. I am only sharing my personal experiences. Please consult a health professional before starting or stopping any remedies or medications.

At times, I will make a recommendation for products or services I am an affiliate for and make a small commission from sales from my link. This in no way increases what you pay, in fact, many times will decrease it, due to sale codes I provide. 

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