Have you ever wondered if there was more to life?

Struggled to find your purpose?

Wondering what God's plan was for YOUR life?

feeling that there is just more out there for you?

That there are dreams put in your heart that need to be fulfilled?

After All...

God put them there for a reason, right?!?!

Lori Jorgensen

maybe you're very successful on the outside ~ Nice Home, Nice Car, Vacations....But there's still something missing???

Believe me.....I've been there, Too!!!

I've had several successful businesses, nice homes, cars, vacations, a family life that looked nearly perfect to those on the outside...the ability to do pretty much anything and go almost anywhere I wanted to!!!



I have been in abusive relationships that I had to pretend weren't...

I had to hide my unhappiness, because that's not what was expected, and no one would believe what was really going on!

I was successful in business, and loved what I did, even if I wasn't in the ideal situation at home, so, I just kept moving forward.

My children were a BIG part of what kept me going....AND what gave me the courage and determination to break free!!!

The days that followed that freedom, were some of the most happy and peaceful times of my life....even with all of the chaos that surrounded me....(See my blog post "Learning to Rescue Myself - With God's Guidance"

How, you ask?

Because I gave it ALL over to God!!!

I leaned into Him COMPLETELY and TRUSTED Him!!!

i knew god had me.....and he totally did!!!

Me Praying

Not that life was done with it's challenges, by any means....but I refused to be a victim!

I had ALWAYS been a survivor and I wasn't going to stop now!!!

I dealt with a LOT of things, that again, many would not believe, after the divorce, but I made it through, with strength, dignity, clarity, confidence, and serenity I had forgotten I had!!

I went on to continue being successful in my business and in life, regardless of the enemy's attempts to sabotage it all. 


I learned some VALUABLE lessons...the hard way!!!

I later remarried, and had two more children...

Boy, does life surprise you sometimes!!!! 

I  had thought I already had my perfect little family, a boy and girl, and that I was done in that department....BUT God had other plans....and I'm so glad He did!!! 

I was blessed with two more sons!

Family Photo - Christmas 2006

A few years later, we had to make the tough decision to relocate to another state, due to my husband losing his means of employment, as well as, the lack of work in our state and the surrounding states, after the economy crashed.

My two oldest children were of age by then, and decided to stay behind, as they had jobs, friends, significant others that they were not willing to leave. 

One of the hardest things I have ever had to do was to pull out of that driveway without them, but I had no say in the matter, as they were legal adults and could make their own decisions, no matter how much I didn't like it!!! 

I guess they probably didn't understand how I could leave without them, and I didn't understand how they could let us leave without them.

I can still very easily cry when I think about how it felt that day!!!

Thank God for FaceTime and frequent trips to visit each other....especially now that I have grand babies, too!!!

When my youngest son had been a little over a year old, I had been reluctantly persuaded to let his pediatrician give him a flu shot. 

I had never believed in or trusted them, but she somehow persuaded me....a decision that changed our lives forever.

My son was severely injured by that decision, and over the next few days, and weeks, he no longer acknowledged us; he screamed in pain from the damage to his neurological and digestive systems; suffered with horrible, toxic smelling diarrhea, due to the damage to his gut; lost many of the skills he had attained, including his words, and slipped further and further into the abyss.

His head also had begun growing more rapidly...like off the charts, as well.  I had to take him in weekly to monitor the growth and ended up having a CT scans and MRI to try to figure out was going on.....of course, no one would even entertain the REAL truth of the matter!!

He experienced absence seizures, which eventually developed into full out grand mal's.

It was truly devastating to watch...and even though he has come a long way, he still suffers from many of the effects of his injury.

Honestly, I had never felt completely comfortable in my gut with vaccination, but I TRULY didn't know we had a choice NOT to get the ones on "the recommended schedule".....which is just what it said....RECOMMENDED!! 

AGAIN, no one ever clarifies that...they make is sound as if they were REQUIRED!!! No information about exemptions...NADA!!

And they CERTAINLY never told me there was such a thing as vaccine injury!!

They NEVER seem to tell you any of that!!!

THAT is the reason I am such a strong advocate for TRUTH, TRANSPARENCY, and INFORMED CONSENT!!!

In hindsight, it sounds absolutely ridiculous...that I would even think that a medical procedure didn't have the risk of side effects that cause harm...including death!!! 

But, hey, that's what we are programmed to believe...that THIS particular medical procedure is COMPLETELY safe!  UGH!!!

We found out the hard way that it DEFINITELY is NOT....and then proceeded to find SOO MANY other's who have been affected by injury, as well!!!  

We are a HUGE Community....A CLUB NO ONE WANTS TO BE IN!!!!

I became my sons voice, his advocate, his nurse, his caregiver, his teacher, his therapist...fighting for EVERY SINGLE THING I could find to help him, as you are basically left on your own, to pick up the pieces.  

And just so you know....

You cannot sue!!!

The ONLY medical procedure there is where you are not allowed to sue if you experience an injury or die!!!

think about that!!!

We have had many ups and downs, including some things I don't even like to talk about...

For example, the discovery that he had experienced abuse in public school and at therapy.....which took a while to find out, being that he is non-verbal, and was unable to tell me in words...

Upon uncovering  the truth of the situation, I immediately pulled him from public school and all therapies, and made the decision to homeschool.....BEST DECISION EVER!!!!

he not only thrived - he made huge strides....quickly!!!

My slightly older son, asked to be brought home to homeschool shortly afterwards, as he was not being challenged enough in public school, even upon request, so I have been homeschooling for almost 10 years now... and I wouldn't change it for anything!!!

Truly the BEST decision we ever made....the WORLD is our classroom and WE decide what is in it, not the government!!!

My husband has unfortunately, has suffered with several health issues, and being that I homeschool both of my boys, and am a full time caregiver to the youngest, as well, it makes it literally impossible for me to work outside of the home.

I have had to be creative and use my gifts, talents, and skills to find things that worked for me and my unique situation....from home!!

This task hasn't always been easy and it took me a long time to find where I felt I really belonged...where my true purpose was.

Previously, before we moved, my businesses were professions which took MUCH of my time, and had to be done outside of the home.

They included a hair salon, karate dojo and gym, and real estate (selling in an office, plus my own personal rentals, sales, and flips), none of which were a possibility any longer, as my schedule didn't allow for all it entailed, and I didn't have the freedom to just leave anytime I was wanted or needed.

I looked for work from home and online opportunities, but many of them looked sketchy, and I will not just represent anything to make a buck...it has to be something I TRULY believe in....as my reputation and integrity rides on it...as well as my conscience!!

I finally found some amazing herbal products that helped my son and the rest of my family, including myself, so I decided to dive into the network marketing world.

Me working on laptop

While it is an AMAZING alternative for people like me, who cannot work outside of the home....I still wanted something more - I felt my calling went deeper and honestly, I didn't like others being in control of my finances; dictating what I had to spend to even be 'qualified' to earn commission; which product sales and what percentage I actually even got paid for, even though I worked super hard to make EVERY SINGLE sale I made, and gave my clients excellent service, etc. 

I also didn't like the fact that they had the ability to move team members around at their leisure, with no warning, impacting the livelihood of MANY, while making millions for themselves.

While I realize there are good and not so good companies out there, I just really prefer to be in control of what I earn, utilizing my own skills and talents, and not depend on someone else's interpretation or rules. 

So, I decided to further my creative and coaching skills and all the things I have learned along the way, and found ways to implement all of those things in my own ingenuity, knowledge, and services...thinking outside of the box.

my true calling has always involved helping and mentoring others...

I am very passionate about my faith, my family, natural wellness, homeschooling, parenting, homemaking, and self sufficiency, with a heaping side of creativity, so I began finding ways to incorporate all of those things into my business, using my own skillset and expertise, in order to help others become more fulfilled, successful, and reach their own unique goals and dreams.

I am also passionate about creating FREEDOM...

Not only Freedom in knowing our TRUE identity, but TRUE TIME Freedom and FINANCIAL Freedom, as well.

Let's Be Honest...

You cannot have REAL Time Freedom without Financial Freedom!!!

First and foremost, working on your limiting beliefs, the root cause for them, and why they have kept you 'stuck', is the always the best place to begin...

We all are usually stifled by these lies from the enemy in some area or the other, so, finding their core and seeing things in a new light, will give us the freedom and insight to find your true purpose and ways to fulfill that purpose...

Then you are FREE to share your gifts with others!

If writing is your forte, blogging might be for you! I can show you how to set one up, ways to monetize your blog, as well as how to get the traffic you need! 

If teaching others is your calling, then coaching might be the path for you! I can help you there, as well!!

Maybe you like to teach...online course creation might be the way to go!!! I can teach you how to automate your courses or show you  the tools you need to set up a virtual class, or create a paid community.

Do you have more of a creative, artistic side and like to design things? I can teach you the skills you need to be a content creator... and your possibilities become endless!!

I've even found ways to generate income from treasures you have laying around the house, find at yard sales, the clearance isle, and even including things you can get for FREE, that someone else may consider their  'junk', but can re-sell to those who see them as valuable....It's really all in trends, creativity, and marketing!!! 

And it is truly NOT dishonest or scammy...they are all genuinely valuable, useful items!!!

In fact, they may be useful in ways you haven't initially though of....YET!!!  (this is where I come in....to help you see things with new eyes)

AND YES, there are even GREAT ways to earn income through network marketing and becoming a true 'affiliate', where you can earn commission on EVERY sale, WITHOUT having to buy A THING each month, to 'qualify'!!  NO TEAMS....NO REQUIREMENTS for you to purchase anything....

JUST YOU, your recommendations, and your customers!

After all, networking is really just connecting with others, and we do that every day, right?!?!

How often do you tell people when you find a great restaurant, food, service, or product??

Why not get paid for it?!?!?

This 15 Day Business Builder Challenge Course is the course I took that opened up a whole new world of possibilities!!!

It's a step by step guide to EVERYTHING you need to start an online business...and it's ONLY $7

It will help you discover YOUR perfect strategy, that's just right for YOU!!

There are SOOOO MANY things you can do with YOUR unique gifts and talents!!!!

I'm here to help you, as well. 

We are not meant to keep them to ourselves....someone out there is looking for what YOU have to offer!!!

I would love to help you find what those things are!!! 
to live life on fire, as god intended you to!!!
to use your gifts and talents for his glory!!!
to spend quality time with your family!!!
to pay it forward and help others!!!

"Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail."

~Ralph Waldo Emerson