Increasing Your Faith

I can do all things through christ who strengthens me ~ Phillipians 4:13

Check out my  "Kingdom Mindset Reset Masterclass"
~let's begin the new year with a new mindset~

Looking for Christ Centered Resources and a Kingdom Minded Community of Women for Support?

Check out the Girl Power Alliance Movement Below

Godly Woman


The closer I remain to God, the more peace He gives and the more He reveals to me.

When I feel I can't go any further....

When I don't know how things can ever work out...

He is always there!!

Lately, I have heard at least three other life coaches say in their videos and trainings, 

"No one else is coaching on the things I am coaching!" and "No one that I know of, is as good at it, as me!" 

Honestly, that was quite disheartening for me, because these were coaches I looked up to... 

Sadly, it was also a bit of a 'red flag' to me and made me take a step back, because....

The thing is...they were coaching on the exact same things I do....and many of us do!!

I mean, let's face it, IF you are a true Kingdom Mindset Coach...we should ALL be teaching the SAME thing...BIBLICAL PRINCIPLES!!!

We should all be uplifting and encouraging each other in our help others get to KNOW Our Creator and our Savior!!!

I am not  going to be so arrogant as to say that 'no one does it better than me' or that  'no one teaches the things I teach', because that's not totally true....

We SHOULD be teaching the same principles!!!

Though everyone may have their own personality and style in the way they teach it...

I WILL be BOLD enough to say that GOD is so good and His Word and it's principles are so powerful, that He has allowed me to be His mouthpiece and share His message with others VERY SUCCESSFULLY to help guide them

Out of fear
Into Alignment with Him
Out of their limiting beliefs
Into their purpose

The Reason This Is True Is Because ALL Glory Goes To Him!!!
It Is NOT ME....It Is HIM!!!!

He makes a way where there ain't no way

Rises up from an empty grave
Ain't no sinner that He can't save
Let me tell you 'bout my Jesus

His love is strong and His grace is free

And the good news is I know that He

Can do for you what He's done for me

Let me tell you 'bout my Jesus

You may very well find another coach who teaches the things I do....I certainly HOPE they are!!! 

The key is, you must find one you align with, personally....who is TRULY teaching His principles and doing it ALL for HIS glory, and not their own!!

"And whatever you do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through Him." 

~Colossians 3:17

As for me? I am here to fulfill my purpose as a follower of  Yeshua Hamashiach, which is, Jesus The Messiah...

As a Kingdom Mindset Coach, I am here to help others see themselves the way He sees them, to increase their faith, to realize their worth, to find their purpose, and to take ACTION!!

If you find we are not a good fit for each other, I will joyfully encourage you to find another coach who is....

I'm NOT the only coach out there teaching His principles....

I will NEVER say I am "the BEST" one out there...

The ONLY coach and councilor out there that I would EVER say that about is....THE ALMIGHTY, HIMSELF!!

I am only working for Him!!!

He is my coach and trainer, and I can confidently say....

HE is the BEST you will EVER find!!! 

I can only help guide you to Him....

The rest is up to you...

But I assure will be WORTH IT!!!

Group of Women

If you are looking for Christ Centered Resources for Personal and Professional Development and a Kingdom Minded Community of strong women who will love and support you, pray for you, collaborate with you, and mentor each other to help you achieve your dreams and fulfill your purpose...

I'd like to invite you to join me to be a part of the Girl Power Alliance Movement!!!

You will have access to on demand courses that are vetted and grounded in Biblical Principles, with monthly expert calls and accountability, as well as an amazing sisterhood 

Check it our and contact me with any questions...I'd love to share how we are tranforming lives for the kingdom!!!!

Visit My Blog Often for Posts About Increasing Your Faith...
and IF you are interested in coaching with me personally...
Let's see if we are a good fit!!!

For even More Encouragement and Inspiration -
Be sure to check out my podcast!

me resting on hand

'Cause I'm just a Nobody,

Tryin' to tell Everybody,

All about Somebody,

Who Saved my Soul..

Ever Since He Rescued Me,

He Gave My Heart a Song to Sing...

I'm Livin' for the World to See...

Nobody but Jesus!!!

If you were unable to Join Me for My FREE FREE
Kingdom Mindset Reset Masterclass Kingdom Mindset Reset Masterclass
Thursday, January 6, 2022
@ 7:00 P.M. CST
Check out the info on purchasing the replay below

In this masterclass, you will learn ways to:

Overcome Doubt
Expose the Lies of the Enemy
Strengthen Your Faith
Crush Your Fears
End Self Sabotage
Understand Your Worth
See Yourself As Your Creator Sees You
Deepen Your Relationship With Your Savior
Discover Ways to Use Your Gifts
Step Out in Boldness
Become the Kingdom Warrior You Were Created To Be

Join the "Kingdom Mindset Reset Masterclass" Below


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