I am a kept woman.
You see, there were times when I thought I would lose my mind, but GOD kept me sane.
There were times when I thought I couldn’t go on any longer, but GOD kept me moving.
At times I wanted to lash out at those who I felt had done me wrong, but GOD kept my mouth shut.
Sometimes I think the money just isnt enough, but GOD helped me keep the lights on, the water on, rent paid, etc.
When I thought I would fall, GOD kept me up.
When I was weak, GOD kept me strong.
I could go on and on, but I’m sure you hear me.
I am Blessed to be, kept.
I am kept by the Love and Grace of God!
– Unknown Author
Lori Jorgensen is an Kingdom Mindset Transformational Coach and Entrepreneur.
She is on a mission to empower women with the Biblical TRUTH and Kingdom principles, laid out for us in the Living Word of God.
To show them who they are in God’s eyes and stop believing the lies the enemy has tried to convince them of, that has held them in bondage for so long….
She gives them tools and strategies to help them heal trauma and implement forgiveness, not only for their past wounds, but for themselves.
In turn, finding their purpose and how to step BOLDLY and COURAGEOUSLY into it, by using their story, and their unique gifts and talents…
To take action!!
It’s time to reclaim the life the enemy has stolen from you!!!
If you are in need of guidance and direction, mentorship, and transformation, you can find more information here.
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