Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, but maybe not for the reason you think!
Breakfast means just that – Break Fast
It’s the meal you are breaking your fast with…no matter what time of day it is!!
That’s why WHAT you eat is so important!!
It’s the first thing that goes into your empty gut, activates your digestive system, and sets the tone for your daily gut health.
It’s all about healthy gut bacteria!
You may be surprised to know some of the foods that are actually harmful to supporting that balance.
  1. Yogurt – Especially those with probiotics. Most all yogurt is heat pasteurized, which kills any probiotic, so basically deems it useless. It also usually is full of sugar, so unless you are making your own, it’s not as healthy as you think! A 6 oz yogurt should have no more than 13 grams of sugar.
  2. Wheat Bread – Hopefully, this one isn’t a surprise. We are told wheat bread is best, but many are filled with harmful ingredients, like high fructose corn syrup and are full of chemicals. Thus. many are also sensitive to wheat gluten. All of the sugar/HFCS also cause you to store fat, among other harmful things.
  3. Cereal Bars – They have too much sugar, usually in the form of corn syrup, high fructose corn syrup, etc.  
Another thing to keep in mind that you should NEVER eat is Olen/Olestra (marketed as a calorie free fat substitute).
Believe it or not, it is even worse than high fructose corn syrup…and THAT is horrible for you!! 
Olestra blocks the body from absorbing essential vitamins and nutrients, like Vitamins A, D, E and K.
This ugly carb and similar substitutes, cause reactions such as cramps, diarrhea, leaky gut/bowels, etc.
Unless you go on an all organic diet and actually grow and prepare it in your own kitchen, it’s nearly impossible to know exactly what you are putting in your body. 
The sugar and sweetener content in our food has increased by 20 times over the last 50 years!! 
Sugars are being added to things you would never even expect…and the U.S. is one of the WORST!!
An example of this would be Bratwurst from Germany vs Bratwurst from the U.S.
The Bratwurst from the U.S. contains 50mg of added sugar!!!
It is no wonder that the rate of obesity in Germany stays around 10%, while in America it is at 34% and climbing!
If you look at the typical diet in Germany, their diet would ‘appear’ to be worse~fatty meats, pretzels, fried schnitzel, among the most popular foods there…. but the truth is, in America we are more unhealthy and have more disease.
In this day of fake foods and additives, exercise is no longer enough to lose weight and to stay healthy. 
There are literally thousands of ‘new miracle diets and products’ out there…
and EVERYONE rushes to try them….UGH!!!!
Honestly…I HATE diets!!!
It’s only a band-aid…. a ‘quick fix’ and most people usually just end up gaining all of their weight back…and then some, once they go off of it….yo-yo-ing back and forth- which is actually REALLY UNHEALTHY for you!!!
Yes, some ‘diets’ may give you a ‘break’ from unhealthy foods….
But it is only TEMPORARY!!!
The same is true with ‘Cleansing’…while it is a good thing to do, if you don’t pair it with a healthy LIFESTYLE, instead of just a temporary diet plan, it really isn’t that beneficial!!
Many diet or cleanse, and then go back to the same unhealthy habits! 
You need to take a LIFESTYLE CHANGE approach!!
First of all, it doesn’t usually require as drastic of a change, and it gets you the results you want to see and feel, that is much easier to maintain!
It can also result in fat loss FASTER than any crash diet, and and only requires small changes, over time.
I will be sharing lots of tips in my health and wellness blogs, that will give your body the support to burn fat all day, and is much more likely to help you KEEP your fat loss results…so check back often!!!
In fact, if you combine these tips with daily physical activity, you will see maximum results!!!
If you feel your busy schedule may get in the way of daily activity/exercise, then it is EVEN MORE CRUCIAL to take action through what you eat!!!
It is really fairly simple!!
Most approaches go after the fat – they tell you to burn it off with intense exercise or starve it off with an extremely restrictive diet.
Your digestive system exists to help you process foods, which contains the building blocks of our bodies tissues and is the source of its energy.
However, as I said, today’s food is VERY different than that of our ancestors!!
Today’s food is full of toxins, chemicals, preservatives, and things our bodies were never meant to digest, and have no idea how to breakdown these unknown foreign invaders.
Things it cannot turn into tissue or energy, as it was designed to do, because it is ingesting an unknown source.
When the body encounters an unknown substance, it turns it into FAT!!!

Our ancestors were hunters and ate food that was clean, not full of toxins and chemicals, like today.
At times, they didn’t always know when they would get their next meal, so their bodies…like ours, which were designed by our Creator, were designed to do this as a safety mechanism.
Our digestive systems can either make energy for us or store it as fat, depending on the situation, but it can’t make you both!!
So, which is your digestive system doing for YOU right now?!?!?
  • Do you find yourself with lots of energy or sluggish?
  • Do you need things like caffeine to get through the day?

Your gut health affects your metabolism, weight, clarity, brain function

~ Your ENTIRE body function!!

Do you experience: 

  • food sensitivities to gluten, dairy, etc.
  • experience bloating
  • excessive trips to the bathroom or constipation
  • skin breakouts
  • low libido or lack of performance
  • gas
  • bloating
  • cramps
  • bladder issues
  • infections
  • yeast aka candida
  • depression
  • brain fog
  • allergy flare ups
  • autoimmune disorders

If you answered ‘YES’ to any or all of these….your digestive system/gut health is off track!!

The Good News is, once you begin giving it the support it needs, you will very likely notice not just fat loss, but improvements in all of your other body issues, as well!

Let me tell you about 4 natural digestive system helpers… There are four because they each fight one of the enemies that cause poor digestion in the first place:

  1. Food preservatives – Did you ever see the story with the 14 year old Mc Donald’s hamburger that still looked the same as when it was bought? UGH!!
  2. Bad gut bacteria
  3. Overeating
  4. Slow Metabolism

Our food is PACKED with preservatives-

The big manufacturers do this to have a longer window to see you their products, and prevent bacteria from breaking down the food….Hence the problem when we eat it!!

The problem is, it also makes it VERY DIFFICULT for your digestive system to break it down, as well, or to even recognize that it is food at all!!!

The preservative form a barrier around the ‘food’….and remember what happens when the body encounters something foreign?

YEP! It stores it as fat!!! AND that ‘fat’ is full of toxins!!!

It can also just run straight through you body, undigested!!! 

This is why preservatives are responsible for so many digestive issues!

Another thing that doesn’t help us, is how quickly we eat – we don’t take the time to chew our food up properly – we should ideally chew our food up to 40 times before swallowing!

THIS act alone could actually help AGAINST those preservatives blocking the digestion of nutrients in our foods that can put your body in a mode of fat storage!

As I said, the body in God’s perfect design, is made to hold on to the fat it has, just in case the nutrients stop coming.

It is an AMAZING protection mechanism, but it makes it almost impossible to lose weight!

So, when this happens as a result of man made chemicals and preservatives, instead of necessity, it is NOT in our favor.

If you have tried diet and exercising, but still could not lose those stubborn pounds, THIS is probably why!

Fortunately, again, God provides – He has given us natural solutions to fight this!!

Three of these powerful nutrients are:

  1. Amylase
  2. Bromelaine
  3. Lipase

If you include these in your daily routine, especially before you eat any processed food, these natural digestive enzymes and powerful extracts, can cut through these chemical preservatives and aid your body in the process of digestion



It is CRUCIAL that you get one that addresses these issues and you want to include these three nutrients, as each plays a different role.

In breaking down proteins, carbs, and fats, Bromelaine also has properties that fight inflammation and supports digestion of grains.


Bromelain is found in the fruit, skin and sweet juice of the pineapple plant and has been used for centuries by the indigenous people of Central and South America as a natural treatment for a number of ailments. Bromelain can also be used as a natural meat tenderizer.

Raw Honey, mangoes, and bananas all have the natural digestive enzyme amylase, while avocados, have lipase. 

Just remember that raw honey can be dangerous for children under the age of one and pregnant women, so, use with caution.

All of these natural fat loss helpers help aid in digestion to allow you to get maximum nutrients out of everything you eat, including carbs, and are proven to also help with food intolerance, increase energy levels, promote better sleep, and overall appearance with a 90% success rate.

Ginger is well known for its anti- nausea effects, but the root also contains a digestive enzyme called zingibain. It’s a type of protease and breaks down protein in the foods you eat. Ginger is especially good for stimulating a stalled GI tract. Eating or drinking foods with ginger will promote contractions in the muscles that line the digestive organs. The root also happens to be good for your hair, skin, and nails.



Candida lives in your digestive tract, along with 25 trillion other bacteria, and while it’s ok to have a small amount of candida in your body, when candida overgrows, they begin to spill throughout your entire gastrointestinal tract and into your bloodstream!!

These yeast particles can wreak complete havoc and chaos throughout your entire body, depriving you of energy, slowing down your metabolism, creating brain fog, hindering your concentration, are the culprit of yeast infections, gas, bloating, etc.

Guess what candida feeds on?  

too much sugar

You guessed it …….SUGAR!!!

We already know how much more sugar we are consuming in the U.S. every day…may times unknowingly!

Here’s the really scary part ~ because these bad bacteria are feasting on the sugar from something you ate, the bacteria also have been know to hijack hormones, and CREATE cravings you many not have had before!

YEP!! Candida and it’s ugly friends force you to start craving the foods THEY want!!

So, next time you find yourself craving carbs or sweets, know that it is likely those bad bacteria wanting more sugar…kind of like gremlins, huh?!?! 

Put your hands on your stomach ~ if you feel more fat there than you’d like to, you may very likely have these bad bacteria. 

Not only can these yeast clog up your system, slow your metabolism, and make you crave bad foods, they also make it much harder for your good bacteria to get the nutrients out of your food.

As if it wasn’t hard enough with all of the preservatives, now your good bacteria has to fight through all of this fungus, too….but once the fungus is address you’ll likely feel as though that fat is lifted right off of your stomach!

GOOD digestive enzymes and probiotics can help fight this bad bacteria and get your gut health back on track to the correct ratio and working properly again.

The ideal ratio is about 75% good bacteria vs 25% bad.

So, NOW you should understand why WHAT you eat for BREAK- FAST is even more important than you thought, and NOW you have the tools you need to start your day by activating your gut health the RIGHT way!!

Check back often for more health and wellness information and recipes to help you along the way! 

Also, check out my Meal Prep Challenge to help make planning and prepping a BREEZE!!

My next challenge begins SOON!! 


Lori Jorgensen Signature






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