Hey there!!! I think it's TOTALLY AWESOME that you came to this page, looking to work more closely with me!!! I'm super excited!!!

If you are here because you are looking for someone to partner with you and guide you to help create the life you dream of having, by using YOUR unique gifts and talents, increasing your faith, and overcoming your limiting beliefs, then you are in the right place!

Being an entrepreneur and business owner since the mid 1990's, I have expertise as a CEO, Educator, Mentor, and Coach. I have experience and extensive training in numerous types of positive mindset techniques, overcoming and healing trauma, service and marketing skills, successful business models, finances, income generating strategies, ideas, and opportunities to enable you to overcome most anything life can throw at you.   

I have learned that not only are the answers to so many of these things laid out for us in the Bible, including ways to strengthen our faith and reset our mindset, but also everything we need to be a good parent, friend, spouse, keeper of the home and business owner.....

There are numerous ways to generate an income, by incorporating YOUR unique gifts, talents, and abilities, creating a business...and the LIFE that you love, allowing you to do what you were called to do, while still being able to nurture and raise your family....and not go CRAZY in the process. 

There are also so many strategies that you can implement to make life easier and run more peacefully, smoothly, and efficiently, in order to get  done with 'All the Things' needed,  creating more free time to do the things you enjoy, while stepping into your true purpose!

ways to work directly with lori Jorgensen

Life Coaching Packages
Meal Prepping
Content Creation

My specialty is Helping Others Discover Their Potential and Purpose! I truly eat, breath and live for helping others! If you have a burning desire to improve your life and/or business...or to CREATE your own business, I can help you discover your gifts, crush your limiting beliefs, and help you leverage your potential to live the life you truly desire, using Biblical principles and strategies. 

 If you are looking to hire me as your Life Coach to help you take things to the next level, please scroll down below and click the 'Apply Here" button to schedule a time and see if we are a good fit to partner together to make that happen! I look forward to connecting with you!

Are you overwhelmed with trying to figure out daily meals, finding the time to prepare them, saving on the ever rising costs, and keeping your produce from spoiling so quickly?!?!

Then you have come to the right place!

I can help you Plan and Prep your meals for a week or more at a time, show you how to make your produce last up to WEEKS longer, and SAVE money while doing it!

You'll get tons of tips and tricks, to help make it a breeze!!

I have LIVE and self paced options for you!

Do you want to learn to design content that stands out ABOVE the rest?!?! 


I can teach you skills to bring out your creativity beyond your imagination.

Whether you just want your own content to stand out, or you are looking to create and offer it to others, as an income generating opportunity, I can show you how!

The possibilities are TRULY endless!!!

CREATIVE CONTENT WARRIORS is the Community and answer for you, and even includes thousands of dollars of done for you and customizable content at a low monthly membership rate!!!

I recognize that one of the biggest challenges in business is not coming off salesy or spammy. 

YUK!!! We are all tired of the 'Hey Girl' tactics and unsolicited sales script.

In my BRAND NEW MultiLevel Ministry Networking Group, my mission is to create an environment of genuine connection and collaboration without all of the slimy stuff.

We are NOT about that here!!

We will host virtual and in person networking events, as well as opportunities to have your buiness spotlighted and featured in the group as well as be part of our directory to  help others find and learn about you and your business!! 

Coming soon there will be an Exclusive VIP Inner Circle Membership where you will have insider opportunities, training, and other perks!!

Stay Tuned for Details!!! 

My mission is to share the love of Christ and provide you with the tools and opportunities to help you step BOLDLY and COURAGEOUSLY into your Kingdom Purpose! 

Join Us Here!!


Increasing Your Faith

Finding Freedom Through The Fire Group Coaching Community will be a group coaching experience along with on demand courses and resources to help you on your journey. This will allow me to provide my  personal coaching services, resources, and expertise, while also utilizing input and insight from other women who have similar mindset, goals, and experiences and can offer support and encouragement, helping each of you on your journey.  This makes coaching more affordable for everyone, and enables you to receive the guidance and direction you need from a trained expert. Sharing in each others experiences and takeaways will also show you that you are not alone, give you even more new perspectives, and create trusted relationships, prayer partners, and sisterhood that many may never experience otherwise.  I'm so excited to begin helping in the transformation of so many!!! 

God is Good!!!

 Stay tuned for details...coming soon!! 

As AWESOME as it would be to work together, and as much as I would LOVE to help you,  I want you to really think about it and to make sure it's the right fit for BOTH of us!!! 

I don't work with just anyone, because I put a LOT of time, effort, and love into what I do, and I don't want to waste either of our time...


One way to begin to assess if we might be a good fit is to ask yourself:

"Do our core values align?"

"Am I ready to take REAL and serious action?"

"Would I want to work with me?"

if you answered 'yes' to those questions, there's a good chance we may be a great fit!


Someone who is Coachable
Someone who is Reliable
Someone who has a burning desire to Uplevel their Life and find their Purpose.
Someone who is Dependable. 
Someone who is Cooperative and a Pleasure to work with.
Someone with a NO EXCUSES Mindset!
Someone who sees Potential Everywhere!
Someone who thinks Outside of the Box!
Someone who is ready to Make a Positive Difference in their life and in the World

So, is that you?
are you ready to take control of your own future and create a life you love?

To find your DESTINY!!!  To live your DREAMS!!! To find your PURPOSE!!!

As a Certified Life Coach, Biblical Leadership Coach, and Mentor…and I’m SOOOO excited and blessed to be able to help you live your BEST life!!

I achieve this by teaching you ways to discover who you are in Christ, strengthening your relationship with Him, breaking off your limiting beliefs, releasing strongholds the enemy has on you, focusing on the things that are truly important, organizing your time, being more intentional, productive, and creating a plan enable you to do ‘all the things’ needed for you personally and for your family, while finding ways to generate income at the same time, ALL using the principles laid out for us in the Bible!!!

Life can definitely be complicated and messy…and many times we are thrown unexpected curve balls

Feeling like we just can’t win….



He has put dreams in our hearts and given us skills, talents, gifts, and the means to make them happen….

To find our PURPOSE!!

We just have to BELIEVE and TRUST HIM to make it happen!!

My goal is to help you find yours and TAKE ACTION!!!

There are SOOO many things you can do!!!

AND Guess what?!?!

You can do them all….WITHOUT going crazy!!

You can have your OWN business, that has the ability to bring you financial FREEDOM, be HOME with your family,  while running your home efficiently, where you actually have the TIME for the the things you need to do, and also be able to do what you LOVE,  by using your TALENTS, GIFTS and PASSIONS….and still find PEACE and HARMONY.

Let’s go on this journey and find it….together!!!

I will equip you with the tools you need to explore those passions,  helping you to tap into ways to bring them to fruition; show you ways to make your life a little easier, more organized, and fun along the way; strengthen your faith and your belief in yourself, while cultivating  your dreams and your ability to fulfill your purpose!!!

You may even discover things about yourself that you never knew….

You may find healing in areas that need nurturing….

Which may lead in you in a direction you never even thought of!!

It’s Great to Meet You, Friend!!!

I pray that with His help, I can touch your life in ways you never imagined!

I know you will enrich mine!!

