I am Lori Jorgensen, a Certified Freedom Lifestyle & Biblical Leadership Coach, with over 30 years experience in Mentorship, Coaching, and Entrepreneurship. I also have multiple certifications in Health and Wellness & Fitness, and have owned and operated several very successful businesses, reaching multiple six figures. 

 As a Jesus Loving, Digital Marketing Mentor & Facilitator, I am on a mission to help women form a true partnership with God in life and business and CRUSH their limiting beliefs, to see themselves as HE sees them, in order to unleash their inner Kingdom Warrior, and implement ways to make life more fulfilling, productive, less stressful, and more profitable, using Biblical principles to steward everything you have well, creating  multiple streams of income.

This allows you to become healthier, more joyful, more organized, and more intentional with your time and finances, Finding Freedom Through the Fires of life for all the things that are truly important and most desired, while discovering ways to fulfill YOUR unique Kingdom Assignment and Purpose, which was created just for YOU, for such a time as this, that will help you create income to make Kingdom Impact in the world! 

One of the main ways I teach this is through Freelance Digital Marketing and Affiliate Marketing. This is an amazing opportunity that ANYONE can do with the right guidance. support, and simple, step-by-step instruction.... additionally, I can show you ways to EARN while you LEARN, as well as, how to utilize FREE tools to set up, operate, automate, and market your business, so you can get started without having any recurring monthly expenses or even your own products!!!


Let's take back the life that the enemy has stolen from you!!!

Grab my FREE Legacy Builders Freedom Blueprint to help get you started on your journey to not only Financial Freedom, but Time Freedom!!!

 DON'T MISS OUT ON MY FREE "10 Tips For Finding Balance In Family Life and Business" Guide at the top of the page on your PC.

AND 'The #1 Online Business to Start In 2024" Guide


Book a Free Discovery Call and let's dive even deeper into what your specific plan could look like!!  Let's have a life changing conversation, 

I am Lori Jorgensen, a Certified Freedom Lifestyle & Biblical Leadership Coach, with over 30 years experience in Mentorship, Coaching, and Entrepreneurship. I also have multiple certifications in Health and Wellness & Fitness, and have owned and operated several very successful businesses, reaching multiple six figures. 

 As a Jesus Loving, Digital Marketing Mentor & Facilitator, I am on a mission to help women form a true partnership with God in life and business and CRUSH their limiting beliefs, to see themselves as HE sees them, in order to unleash their inner Kingdom Warrior, and implement ways to make life more fulfilling, productive, less stressful, and more profitable, using Biblical principles to steward everything you have well, creating  multiple streams of income.

This allows you to become healthier, more joyful, more organized, and more intentional with your time and finances, Finding Freedom Through the Fires of life for all the things that are truly important and most desired, while discovering ways to fulfill YOUR unique Kingdom Assignment and Purpose, which was created just for YOU, for such a time as this, that will help you create income to make Kingdom Impact in the world! 

One of the main ways I teach this is through Freelance Digital Marketing and Affiliate Marketing. This is an amazing opportunity that ANYONE can do with the right guidance. support, and simple, step-by-step instruction.... additionally, I can show you ways to EARN while you LEARN, as well as, how to utilize FREE tools to set up, operate, automate, and market your business, so you can get started without having any recurring monthly expenses or even your own products!!!


Let's take back the life that the enemy has stolen from you!!!

Grab my "10 Tips For Finding Balance In Family Life and Business" Guide at the top of the page on your PC.


DO NOT MISS OUT ON 'The #1 Online Business to Start In 2024" Guide, and especially my FREE Legacy Builders Freedom Blueprint to help get you started on your journey to Financial Freedom.


Book a Free Discovery Call and let's dive even deeper into what your specific plan could look like!!  Let's have a life changing conversation, 

I am Lori Jorgensen, a Certified Freedom Lifestyle & Biblical Leadership Coach, with over 30 years experience in Mentorship, Coaching, and Entrepreneurship. I also have multiple certifications in Health and Wellness & Fitness, and have owned and operated several very successful businesses, reaching multiple six figures. 

 As a Jesus Loving, Digital Marketing Mentor & Facilitator, I am on a mission to help women form a true partnership with God in life and business and CRUSH their limiting beliefs, to see themselves as HE sees them, in order to unleash their inner Kingdom Warrior, and implement ways to make life more fulfilling, productive, less stressful, and more profitable, using Biblical principles to steward everything you have well, creating  multiple streams of income.

This allows you to become healthier, more joyful, more organized, and more intentional with your time and finances, Finding Freedom Through the Fires of life for all the things that are truly important and most desired, while discovering ways to fulfill YOUR unique Kingdom Assignment and Purpose, which was created just for YOU, for such a time as this, that will help you create income to make Kingdom Impact in the world! 

One of the main ways I teach this is through Freelance Digital Marketing and Affiliate Marketing. This is an amazing opportunity that ANYONE can do with the right guidance. support, and simple, step-by-step instruction.... additionally, I can show you ways to EARN while you LEARN, as well as, how to utilize FREE tools to set up, operate, automate, and market your business, so you can get started without having any recurring monthly expenses or even your own products!!!


Let's take back the life that the enemy has stolen from you!!!

Grab my "10 Tips For Finding Balance In Family Life and Business" Guide at the top of the page on your PC.


DO NOT MISS OUT ON 'The #1 Online Business to Start In 2024" Guide, and especially my FREE Legacy Builders Freedom Blueprint to help get you started on your journey to Financial Freedom.


Book a Free Discovery Call and let's dive even deeper into what your specific plan could look like!!  Let's have a life changing conversation, 

Welcome to my Website

For I Will Restore You To Health

I am also known as The Holistic Wellness Warrior.

I believe God put everything we needed on the earth and hope to help you rediscover health and wellness through nature and well being by going back to the very beginning: "Back to Genesis"

It's time to get back to basics!

The Vintage Redhead is yet, another name I've been associated with..as, after all, I AM a Redhead and Vintage!!!

Seriously, though, it is also because I LOVE all things vintage and good 'ole fashioned ways of life. 

I think our ancestors had it right with all of their many skills in preservation and living the simple life.

They were hard workers, resourceful, and knew how to survive whatever life brought their way. They weren't afraid to get their hands dirty and do whatever it took!

The Vintage Redhead

what is a freedom lifestyle coach?

me resting on hand

As a Christian homeschooling mom, special needs mom, narcissistic abuse survivor, and entrepreneur, Lori has a passion for providing guidance and support within her Freedom Lifestyle and Biblical Leadership Coaching and Mentorship Services with guidance to help other busy moms, and women from all walks of life, find healing, strength, and harmony, so they can walk BOLDLY and COURAGEOUSLY into the life they were destined to live.  While she has already been a mentor to many over the years, she became a Certified Life Coach Practitioner and 3x Biblical Radiant Leader, in order to help others dig even deeper to navigate through the fires of life even more effectively. Due to all of her formal training, along with the many personal experiences she has endured, she is very well equipped to share her knowledge, insight, and wisdom on how to be emotionally, spiritually, physically, and financially successful, as you step into being the woman you GENUINELY were created to be...

A Daughter of the Most High King!

Her mission is to partner with you to heal past trauma; give you tools to change your programmed negative mindset into a strong, bold, and confident one, full of the Biblical TRUTHS of who you really are and what you are capable of through our Creator; discover what truly lights your soul on fire; and to unleash ways to implement and fulfill those desires, by finding your unique kingdom purpose and walking in His will - Taking back the life you have been denied through the enemies lies!

Lori coaches and mentors those needing mindset coaching, healing from trauma, spiritual guidance, parenting and/or homeschooling help, health and wellness support, and unique ways to generate income based on your personal gifts and talents, social media training, and so much more.

Schedule a FREE Discovery Call with Lori today to design a plan that fits your specific needs!

What if everything that has happened to you, was really FOR you?!?
What if it was preparing you for your purpose???

 We have all experienced things in our life that we wonder why happened. 

Some of us have been through trauma that we just don't know how we can ever heal from.

 I can assure you....you can!!

 It's not an easy road or a quick fix, but it will give you a sense of peace and freedom that you have never known. 

God never wants His children to be hurt, but unfortunately, due to humans free will, choices are made that can inflict a LOT of damage.


Our Heavenly Father is always there to put His loving arms around us, pick up the pieces and help restore us...

We just have to BELIEVE His Promises and ALLOW Him to!!!

I have learned so much throughout my life experiences, my mentors wisdom, and my time spent in His Word.

It all comes down to having a close, personal relationship with God and seeking Him in all things!!!

There is so much wisdom, peace, and restoration than you can ever imagine...

The more you seek Him, the more He reveals!!!

It is TRULY life changing!!!

I love sharing all the wisdom God has bestowed and continues to show me, as well as, all of the skills I have learned, to inspire you with amazing, useful information, tips, and strategies that will strengthen not only your faith, confidence, passion, and knowledge, but will also create a sense of peace, wisdom, empowerment, balance, self worth, family, and Biblical values...  

Helping you to uncover your unique gifts and talents, I will show you ways you can use them to share them and inspire others, 

fulfilling your purpose and enabling you to utilize them to live the life you desire and were created to live....

Let's reclaim what the enemy has stolen from you!!!

If this sounds like exactly what you are looking for and
you would like someone to partner with you to help you crush your limiting beliefs,  enable you to move forward and discover your purpose, accomplish your goals...
connect you with other like minded women warriors & community
for encouragement, support, fellowship, networking, and accountability....
let's talk!!

schedule a discovery call with Lori here!!
let's let God move in you!!!